0721 - 2522341/42 (Office)sipna.arch@gmail.com

It gives me an immense pleasure to introduce to you the Sipna School of Planning & Architecture. The institute is conceived as a multidisciplinary center of learning where architectural education is considered as a total personality development program.

Sipna School of Planning & Architecture is a premier institute of Maharashtra established in the year 2019 with an aim to provide high quality education in the field of Architecture and to cater to the basic need of shelter.

Education completely changes our mind & personality and helps us to attain the positive attitudes. Therefore, it is of great importance that we let these future citizens be updated to build pathway for themselves. Sipna School of Planning & Architecture realizes the responsibilities of shaping the future of the country, nurturing and molding the youth in such a way that they emerge as a dynamic personality of our society. These are our future citizens, in whom we aim to instill the values of accountability & morality.

We firmly believe that learning must be a joyous experience and every attempt is being made towards this goal. The curriculum provides a blend of challenges and creativity with an ample scope for individuality, imagination & creativity.

A meaningful equilibrium between academics, sports and co-curricular activities are maintained in order to bring forth confident, responsible and enlightened citizens of our country driven toward a cause of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakum”


With regards!

Jagdish M. Gupta
Sipna Shikshan Prasarak Mandal
Ex. Member of Legislative Council (M.S.)
Ex. Minister (M.S.)